What's Your Star Sign - Purple
Regular price $5.50
The Top Tenacious - Purple
Poshly Petite - White
Welcome To Wall Street- Silver
Welcome To Wall Street - White
Sail Away with Me - White
Sail Away with Me - Gold
Celebrity Carwalk- Black
Celestial Royal - Silver
Heard It On The HEIR-Waves - Black
Gallery Gem - Purple
Powerhouse Hustle - White
Powerhouse Hustle - Pink
Powerhouse Hustle - Blue
Flawlessly Famous - Pink
Challenge Accepted - Gold
Best Decision Ever - Red
Iridescently Ice Queen - Copper
Dewy Decadence - Yellow
Lions, TIGRESS, and Bears - Red
Lions, TIGRESS and Bears - Green
Gallery Gem - Red
Pampered Powerhouse - Pink